Amico Vacuum Regulators are the most technologically advanced in the healthcare industry, whose modularity allows for easy upgrade from Analog to Digital and from Continuous to Continuous Intermittent models. The Scout Vacuum Regulator is a Digital regulator, improving patient care by providing greater accuracy and an easy to read gauge compared to conventional Analog Regulators.
Easy serviceability and maintenance
Full line of Regulators includes: Adult, Surgical, Pediatric and Neonatal models
Available with both Analog and Digital Gauges
Intermittent Flowrate: Adult: 8 LPM, Pediatric: 8 LPM, Neonatal: 8 LPM
Continuous Flowrate: Adult: 65 LPM, Pediatric: 40 LPM, Neonatal: 40 LPM
16 seconds on/ 8 seconds off
Timing can be adjusted on the back of the unit with access to ON and OFF needle valves, starts in the OFF position
Power: Lithium: 2, 2/3 AA batteries, 3.6 V, 1.6 Ah, lithium
Gauge: Analog: ± 3% Full-scale | Digital: ± 1% Full-scale
Vacuum Range:
Continuous High/Surgical: 0 - 750 mmHg (94 KPA)
Continuous and Continuous/Intermittent: 0 - 300 mmHg (40 KPA)
Pediatric and Pediatric/Intermittent: 0 - 160 mmHg (20 KPA)
NeoNatal and NeoNatal/Intermittent: 0 - 100 mmHg (13 KPA)